Discreet elegance and unique lights: this is how the Adrienne Feller brand carries on the success in Budapest

Budapesti üzletük után mintakoncepciót készített az Adrienne Feller számára Radnóczy Eszter és az este’r partners belsőépítész stúdió: az üzlethelyiség, bemutatószalon és kozmetikai stúdió a márkára jellemző visszafogott eleganciát ötvözi a különleges, növényi olajok magas minőségét tükröző belsőépítészeti megoldásokkal.

“Adrienne Feller’s secret of vegetable oils relies on a long-standing family heritage and represents lasting value, so in creating the interior design we wanted the environment to have a timeless design which we achieved by the use of quality but discreet materials, this way putting the focus on the products.” – says interior designer Eszter Radnóczy.

A bútorok megtervezésénél fontos szempont volt, hogy letisztult formaviláguk mellett részleteikben a kidolgozottság és finom elegancia tükröződjön. Az új üzlet és szalon tervezése előtt felkeresett minket Adrienn, hogy a jelenlegi arculatukat is frissítsük fel és így a folyamatosan fejlesztett termékeik megjelenéséhez még szebben illeszkedjen a design. Ekkor kerültek terveinkbe a logójukból kialakított egyedi mintázatú szövetek, amelynek megvalósításán partnerünkkel, a Flukso textillel közösen kísérleteztünk. A tér egyik leghangsúlyosabb anyagára, az FMG Onice Malaga hidegburkolatára is ekkor talált tervezőcsapatunk, melynek rózsaszínes színvilága tükrözi a cég arculatát és mintázata finom dinamikát visz a térbe.

Constant values, new boost

It was the main goal of the este’r partners team that the elements of the design update would appear in every store. This complex exterior starts with the design of the shop space, but the concept also includes the design of the coverings, the lighting, the precise planning of the furniture and the ideal placement of the products.

The company’s dynamically developing division, Panarom, has had a prominent display as Adrienne wanted the essential oils to be given a well-separated representative area. A novelty of the concept was the design of the treatment salon. In this intimate, trusting atmosphere, it is equally important to display the image of the company, but the primary aspect was, of course, the function, creating the perfect conditions for the treatments.

When designing the salon, it was important that the same furniture and image elements appear in the treatment salon that the customers are familiar with, while the spatial structure and lighting levels differ. Here tinted glass walls and concealed lighting built into the furniture were used, so the spaces were also optically expanded by the designers while providing the comfortable environment needed for treatments. These elements are designed in such a way that the brand image of Adrienne Feller are also finely visible in them.

Takeaway experience: the presented products also provide an aesthetic experience

As designer Mónika Szommer said: “In case of a premium business where the customer also has the feeling of coziness, good lighting and positioning of the products are the key to everything. The stores always have lighting behind a stretched foil, making it as if the entire ceiling was lit, providing uniform light that spreads across the store. In addition, each piece of furniture has a built-in accent lighting, this way putting the products in focus. The light always attracts the eye, so we can raise the aesthetics by creating a good lighting image. ”

The aim of the design team was to immediately feel the elegance and high quality of the Adrienne Feller brand, when entering the store. While in the atmosphere, fine details and hints, a mysterious, special, small world appear which is represented by the essential oils and the personal care of Adrienne, as well as the family values of the brand.

Designers: Eszter Radnóczy, Mónika Szommer / este’r partners