Our partners

Meet our partners: Flukso textile

Passion, design, and technology – the renowned Italian textile company, Flukso has built its brand around these concepts. In our interview with Eszter Radnóczy, Hungarian partner of Flukso textile, we discussed why Flukso textile is the best choice and what values the team of este’r partners and the Italian company share.

What values does Flukso textile represent? Why do you enjoy working with them?

Flukso is one of the most technologically advanced, innovative manufacturers in the world of upholstery fabrics and faux leathers. The innovation of Flukso products shows passion, long-term approach, good taste and clarity. Their variety of products include eco-leathers, woven textiles and their versatile range of colors, so Flukso meets all our needs for fabric use in hotels, public places and private homes. The large selection and the wide stock available also help the work of designers and constructors. There are plenty of opportunities, because they also deal with custom-made textiles, whether it is printing or quilting, it’s always customized.

A meeting of passion, design, technology and sustainable solutions – this is how they characterize themselves. How do you see this brand?

That’s a perfect description. They do have very innovative textiles that meet our high demands: abrasive resistance, colorfastness, washability and easy care. It is important to note that with the introduction of new technologies, they have a wide range of antibacterial and antiviral textiles, so they respond quickly to new demands. The company’s flexibility and positive effort to help adds a lot to this, which represent key assets.

They have 50 years of experience and 3,000 customers – what does this mean for you?

An important feature of Flukso is that they basically offer single-colored and patterned textiles, which are widely used. The high-quality and fashionable material and color selection helps a lot in the work of the designers. As the family business has been on the market for five decades and continues to develop, leading Italian furniture companies work with their products, so they are present throughout the segment.

Quality in detail – this is a feature of both Flukso and este’r partners. Why is this important?

Quality is particularly important for technical fabrics, the pattern does not hide the characteristics of the material. High quality and dense weaving, material density, abrasion resistance guarantee the durability and excellent quality of the product in the long run, even after frequent use and several years. Este’r partners share similar values: we do not provide fast solutions but focus on value retention and value-add design.

What are the projects where Flukso textile is the best choice?

In hotels we use it for bed backrests and bed linens, puffs, and restaurant seats, but it can also be used to design wall coverings and countertop covers. The same usability is present in residential projects as well, Flukso brand stands for a high-standard, durable, and cost-effective product. We recommend and use their products widely because of the high quality and unique look they represent, and based on the feedback from our clients, it means long-term success.

Construction Uncategorized

Discreet elegance and unique lights: this is how the Adrienne Feller brand carries on the success in Budapest

Budapesti üzletük után mintakoncepciót készített az Adrienne Feller számára Radnóczy Eszter és az este’r partners belsőépítész stúdió: az üzlethelyiség, bemutatószalon és kozmetikai stúdió a márkára jellemző visszafogott eleganciát ötvözi a különleges, növényi olajok magas minőségét tükröző belsőépítészeti megoldásokkal.

“Adrienne Feller’s secret of vegetable oils relies on a long-standing family heritage and represents lasting value, so in creating the interior design we wanted the environment to have a timeless design which we achieved by the use of quality but discreet materials, this way putting the focus on the products.” – says interior designer Eszter Radnóczy.

A bútorok megtervezésénél fontos szempont volt, hogy letisztult formaviláguk mellett részleteikben a kidolgozottság és finom elegancia tükröződjön. Az új üzlet és szalon tervezése előtt felkeresett minket Adrienn, hogy a jelenlegi arculatukat is frissítsük fel és így a folyamatosan fejlesztett termékeik megjelenéséhez még szebben illeszkedjen a design. Ekkor kerültek terveinkbe a logójukból kialakított egyedi mintázatú szövetek, amelynek megvalósításán partnerünkkel, a Flukso textillel közösen kísérleteztünk. A tér egyik leghangsúlyosabb anyagára, az FMG Onice Malaga hidegburkolatára is ekkor talált tervezőcsapatunk, melynek rózsaszínes színvilága tükrözi a cég arculatát és mintázata finom dinamikát visz a térbe.

Constant values, new boost

It was the main goal of the este’r partners team that the elements of the design update would appear in every store. This complex exterior starts with the design of the shop space, but the concept also includes the design of the coverings, the lighting, the precise planning of the furniture and the ideal placement of the products.

The company’s dynamically developing division, Panarom, has had a prominent display as Adrienne wanted the essential oils to be given a well-separated representative area. A novelty of the concept was the design of the treatment salon. In this intimate, trusting atmosphere, it is equally important to display the image of the company, but the primary aspect was, of course, the function, creating the perfect conditions for the treatments.

When designing the salon, it was important that the same furniture and image elements appear in the treatment salon that the customers are familiar with, while the spatial structure and lighting levels differ. Here tinted glass walls and concealed lighting built into the furniture were used, so the spaces were also optically expanded by the designers while providing the comfortable environment needed for treatments. These elements are designed in such a way that the brand image of Adrienne Feller are also finely visible in them.

Takeaway experience: the presented products also provide an aesthetic experience

As designer Mónika Szommer said: “In case of a premium business where the customer also has the feeling of coziness, good lighting and positioning of the products are the key to everything. The stores always have lighting behind a stretched foil, making it as if the entire ceiling was lit, providing uniform light that spreads across the store. In addition, each piece of furniture has a built-in accent lighting, this way putting the products in focus. The light always attracts the eye, so we can raise the aesthetics by creating a good lighting image. ”

The aim of the design team was to immediately feel the elegance and high quality of the Adrienne Feller brand, when entering the store. While in the atmosphere, fine details and hints, a mysterious, special, small world appear which is represented by the essential oils and the personal care of Adrienne, as well as the family values of the brand.

Designers: Eszter Radnóczy, Mónika Szommer / este’r partners

About us

This was 2020: interview with Eszter Radnóczy

How was this year for este’r partners, what were the goals and the keywords in 2020?

Despite the difficulties, we have had a successful year. This year we celebrated the 15th anniversary of este’r partners which we still managed to celebrate together with our clients and partners before the restrictions. On this occasion, we looked back on our 15 years of continuous development in profile, size and quality of the work and the increase in the number of colleagues. Our results and successes are due to a serious and loyal teamwork, thanks to my colleagues. The above is proven by our returning and expanding clientele, we are proud to maintain an honest, confidential and creative relationship with them. When I think of keywords for 2020, the followings come to my mind: adaptation, teamwork and a positive vision.

How did you adapt to this year’s new situation and what were the lessons learned?

We were doing our best at home office as well. It has been proven that our greatest strength is working together, reinforcing and supporting each other, making optimal use of and assigning individual abilities. I am very proud that we did not stop for a moment. After a deep breath, we moved forward with our tasks with new ideas and constructive solutions.

What were the most significant projects this year?

We have reached the final phase of a large hotel project, the Emerald Residence, which we have also professionally supported in the construction. Another hotel project on Andrássy Avenue is also being implemented, in which we are also effectively participating. Unfortunately, hotel projects will have to wait due to the uncertain situation, but we hope to resume the started investments next year. We are pleased that we have had many clients from the private sector as well, a lot of beautiful work has been done in this area too and a lot is in the completion phase.

You have started a new direction: in 2020 the este’r partners presented the selections called The Collection. What kind of knowledge, creativity, innovation did you put in these catalogues?

The final phase of our work has always been to support our customers in the furnishing of apartments and restaurants while, in addition to the planning, we ensure the procurement of products which is based on our wide foreign supplier base. Our own selection, The Collection, is a demonstration of this knowledge and activity. Our customers know our complex service, the aim of the new catalogue was to make our company more widely known.

What do you expect the most next year, where is the company heading?

We are going to relax by starting to plan new projects from the beginning of January, we are really looking forward to spring. We hope that this dynamic is not going to change and all of our partners can stay enthusiastic and optimistic. Of course, we always have Plan B while we work on Plan A, but this detail should remain a surprise for the new year.

Finally, a more personal question: how do you spend the holidays this year?

In peace and quiet with the family, finally taking a little rest, which always means coming up with new ideas.

About us

Bemutatta 2021-es kollekcióját az este’r partners: az olasz design legütősebb darabjai a nappalinkba költözhetnek

Meghitt, otthonos tér, ahol minden a kényelemről szól? Vagány, látványos találkozóhely, ahol különleges élmény vendégül látni a barátokat? Radnóczy Eszter vezető tervező és az este'r partners Cosy Living néven mutatta be legújabb, 2021-es kollekcióját, amelynek fókuszában ezúttal a nappali áll. Kényelmes ülőbútorok, különleges kiegészítők és puha párnák: az erős kereskedelmi szállal működő szentendrei belsőépítész iroda csapata elhozza az olasz design legjavát, amellyel a legelegánsabb nappali is biztos kézzel újrahangolható.

Radnóczy Eszter és tizenöt éve működő belsőépítész stúdiója tavaly Milánóban nyitott társirodát az elismert olasz építésszel, Stefano Napolitani-val. Az olasz partnerkapcsolatok, a kiállítások és a vásárok, illetve az manufaktúrák személyes látogatása régóta része az este’r partners mindennapjainak: ügyfeleiknek és megrendelőiknek így első kézből tudják megmutatni az olasz design újdonságait és nívós megoldásait.

A mostani, magas minőséget képviselő katalógusban az egyediséget, a hosszú távon is élvezhető, high class lakberendezési megoldásokat és a magas szintű esztétikumot állították a középpontba, megfűszerezve az este'r partnersnél ismert jókedvvel, bátorsággal és egyedi stílussal. Az őszi esték elmaradhatatlan főszereplője az olasz mozi, a nagybetűs Cinema Paradiso - a kollekció részeit a tervezőcsapat ezúttal klasszikusok filmcímeihez hangolta. Fellini, Tornatore, Pasolini vagy Bertolucci művei tökéletesen passzolnak egy-egy hűvös estéhez, amelyet otthon töltünk.

A kollekció részei elnevezésüket olasz filmekről kapták: az Especially on Sunday, az Everybody’s Fine, a La Dolce Vita és az Unknown Woman hűséges társaink lehetnek a hűvös estékre. Az este’r partners az ünnepekhez közeledve két minikollekciót is bemutatott: a Winter Lights gyönyörű lámpákkal hozza el a tél fényeit, a Little Surprises pedig olyan különleges designtárgyakat gyűjt egy csokorba, amelyek tökéletes ajándékötletek lehetnek.

A kollekciók online megtekinthetők az este’r partners weboldalán: esterpartners.com 


Two works by este’r partners nominated for BigSEE design award: Minute Lounge & Bar and Martonvásár Agroverzum are among the best in Europe

Two este’r partners projects have won the Winner category of the Slovenian-based BigSEE Interior Design Award, which presents hundreds of architectural and interior design projects from nineteen countries. Minute Lounge & Bar on Andrássy Avenue and Martonvásár Agroverzum are among the best interior design works of 2020: now the studio can compete for the Grand Prix.

“We are proud that our works have been included in the BigSEE selection and we are able to show international audiences the two special locations of Budapest and Martonvásár,” says Eszter Radnóczy, chief designer of este’r partners. An international presence has always been an important aspect of este’r partners: in addition to our partnerships, our extensive professional and supplier background from Europe, our design team also works every day so that our projects can compete anywhere in the world, representing professional value and uniqueness.”

Two completely different works by este’r partners have now been included in the international selection of the design award. The castle garden of Martonvásár was expanded last year with a interesting, modern visitor’s center: here in the Agroverzum, created next to the cultural heritage of the Brunszvik family, este’r partners designed an attractive, user-friendly, design-sensitive interior for children and young people. The visitor center is a perfect place for gaining knowledge, having museum pedagogy classes or learning. Creative interior design solutions such as huge popcorn hanging from the ceiling or wheat transformed into a design element helped to make science entertaining.


The Minute Lounge & Bar on Andrássy Avenue is a vibrant, cosmopolitan and elegant space where dark blue and forest green upholstery, glossy eco-leather surfaces, huge mirrors and special chandeliers all exude elegance and clarity. The Minute Bar serves breakfast to the guests of Hotel Moments, during the day it functions as a bistro while in the evening it becomes one of the city’s favorite cocktail bars. Keeping the large, curved windows of the impressive street front façade from Andrassy Avenue draws the eye to the interior of the building. Light-toned wood panels rising to the ceiling emphasize the high ceilings, green metallic eco-leather, three-dimensional wall hangings bring playfulness to the spacious space. The metropolitan atmosphere of the bar adds freshness to the classic Andrássy Avenue environment.

Grand Prix winners will soon be announced in the BigSEE competition, projects in the Winner category were invited to the design week in October in Ljubljana.

Full gallery of images of the Minute Bar and the Martonvásár Agroverzum can be found on este’r partners partners’ Behance page.


Our partners

Meet our partner: Cosy International

Style and elegance: two concepts around which the Italian wardrobe expert Cosy International has built its brand. We asked Cosy’s Hungarian partner, Eszter Radnóczy when and where she recommends using the Italian partner’s solutions.



How would you describe Cosy as a company and what values does it represent?

Cosy is a dynamic minded company with professionalism and extensive experience in the timber industry and it is easily adapting to the changing needs of the market. Cosy is a reliable partner as we can always count on their expertise. The company simultaneously offers the traditional commitment of Italians to design and is also open to our creative ideas and uniqueness.

Where do you use Cosy products?

We are happy to work with Cosy on projects that require unique and functional solutions. The products are made for customers of high standard, during the product development rich details are elaborated for an exclusive look, providing high-quality Italian technology.

Who would you recommend it to? What needs does Cosy respond to?

I recommend it to clients with Hungarian or international background committed to quality, who consciously choose elegance and focus on aspects such as the furniture proportion or the harmony of colors.

How is the collaboration between Cosy and este’r partners?

We enjoy integrating Cosy into our projects and we are happy to present them to the Hungarian clients as well. With similar premium Italian brands, in recent years we have managed to build a strong network of contacts that supports the highest quality work. The existence of this network allows us to serve complex projects, from joint concept planning through product design to material selection and installation.


Meet Cosy International!

The brand is proud to help its customers with products 100% Made in Italy, tailored to the needs of interior designers. Flexibility and tailor-made service are among the most important values: from measurements to material selection to the creation of the final atmosphere, they accompany their partners in the work.


Portrait: Attila Glázer

Photos: Cosy International


The life of a work of art: an introductory conversation with Eszter Radnóczy interior designer

A new series called the life of a work of art is launched by the interior designer este’r partners, in which they are planning to talk about the perspectives of interior design and design in connection with the aspect of galleries, art institutions and collectors.

In the first conversation of the series, Eszter Radnóczy, the owner and chief designer of the interior design office, este’r partners in Szentendre, talks about her attachment to works of art, the meeting of function and aesthetics, and also reveals who she will talk to in the next part of the series.

We’re starting a new series in which art has a key role. Can you tell us about your relationship to work of art, art and galleries?

Art has been a part of my life since I was a child: my grandmother and I visited the city’s museums and studios almost every week. This is still my passion both in Budapest and worldwide. In addition, of course, I am very fortunate that my everyday life is also surrounded by works of art, as our office is also home to an exhibition.

Este’r partners’ office is surrounded by family heritage. Tell us about it.

The exhibition preserves the legacy and oeuvre of my husband’s grandfather, the painter Béla Apáti Abkarovics from Szentendre. Not only does this provide a beautiful work environment, but it often serves as an inspiration for my colleagues and myself.

Is it a burden or an encouragement to be among such pieces at work?

Definitely a pleasure. The age and technique of the pictures is diverse, which is very inspiring.

How do you think the work of art and the interior relate to each other? What controls?

The first determining factor is the given space and its function. If it is not a museum space, then the space controls everything. This is followed by the interior design work, which includes not only the functional placement of the objects, but also the appropriate placement of artefacts. Interior design is not just about “dressing up something” but also “undressing it”: it can also be important to clean up the space, depending on what we want to highlight in a room. A space that works both functionally and aesthetically often cannot hold more than one or two highlights. The highlight can be a work of art or anything else, but it should be chosen very well.

You also work with artefacts during your projects, how does this process look like?

Basically, it is not the artwork that determines our interior design work, but it’s always an integral part of the end result. In some cases, however, an artefact of intangible value determines the design, which is also a nice and exciting process.

Have you had a project where you had to design specifically around a work of art?

Yes, of course. The main consideration in the design of galleries is the optimal placement of (changing) works of art. In addition, we have designed many personal spaces where the work of art and its experience were the main factors.

What can readers expect in this new series? Who are you going to invite for a talk and what exciting issues are you going to discuss?

The series will be particularly interesting from a professional, private and collector’s point of view.  The interplay of different perspectives can provide important insights into how placing an artefact brings out its true value, impact, and role. I cannot reveal the list of our conversation partners in the series, but next time I’ll talk to Ani Molnár!

About us Events

“We started building with passion” – este’r partners interior design studio is fifteen years old

Eszter Radnóczy, who celebrates the fifteenth birthday of este’r partners with her team, gave an interview at Minute Lounge & Bar, the newest cocktail bar on Andrássy Avenue. Este’r partners has become known for interior design work on projects in the Hungarian architectural and creative sector, such as the Emerald Residence on Szervita Square, Agroverzum in Martonvásár, the Zwack Visitors’ Center, Good Spirit Whiskey Bar, Hotel Moments Budapest, the Feller Adrienne Store, the Bar Garden Bistro, the Italian restaurant La Fabbrica as well as the interior designs of many clients’ private homes and villas, and the two high-quality Andrássy Avenue hotels, the A3 and the A52.

“I started building my company out of passion and it hasn’t changed since then. What’s different is that now I’m working with an international team of twenty-five people, which gives me creative space and provides a solid background.” says Eszter Radnóczy who recently opened an office in Milan with her Italian partner, Waves Project Ltd., lead by Stefano Napolitani, a recognized professional in the Italian real estate industry. The architectural and interior design concept of their first joint international project, the so-called “riverfront villa”, will debut this spring.

“Esther’s approach to economics, her awareness, transparency, traceability and strict budget control are the key pillars that make a company stable,” says Réka Harkay-Farkas, financial manager of este’r partners. “In the fifteen-year history of the company, it has always been our priority to be reliable partners alongside creative ideas and uniqueness – this is essential in working with our clients, who are happy to choose us over and over again.”

The year of 2019 was a great success for este’r partners: the interior design plans for Andrássy Avenue 3 and 52 were introduced to the public, and there was also great interest in the interior design concept of Emerald Residence, a luxury investment in Budapest. At the end of the year, the Minute Bar & Lounge opened, where besides the challenges of the different functions (breakfast bar, bistro, cocktail bar), Eszter and her team were able to create an international atmosphere with the creative use of blue, green and gold colors and with the special lighting and coverings; the project was also noticed by the English-language press. The opening of the office in Milan was rather a return to home, as Eszter Radnóczy, a graduate of the University of Milan, has an Italian network of relationships, which in most cases, besides professional values, is characterized by personal trust.

“Obviously, working on grandiose hotel developments is a prestige and a challenge, and we are delighted that our work has shaped the spaces of many hotels and restaurants in Budapest. However, the design of private residences, homes and villas is just as important and we do not want to neglect this area, in fact, we consciously put these kinds of projects in our portfolio,” says the manager of este’r partners.

Eszter also revealed that she would soon show her international knowledge and solid commercial background of fifteen years of experience in a construction not yet seen on the Hungarian market. And the slogans can be familiar for the clients: partnership, combination of high quality and wonderful atmosphere, and of course the indispensable Italian espresso and prosecco.
